Where can I check the number of seats left in a train?
Already have a Pass?
You can use our reservation booking tool to check how many seats are left in a train before booking your seats. All you have to do is log in, search for the route you want to travel on and select your preferred train from the options.
Don’t have a Pass yet?
We’re currently working on making this information available to our travellers before they buy the Pass. Until then, you can check the number of seats left for Interrail Pass holders on most railway carriers' websites. You can find more information about this on our How to book seats page. Please note that the number of seats on a train for Pass holders differs from the total number of unsold seats on the train as seats for Pass holders are usually limited.
We suggest the following platforms for checking if there are still seats left for Pass holders:
- Austria
- We recommend checking the OBB website for trains within and connecting Austria.
- Belgium
- For Eurostar train connections to the UK, the Netherlands, France, and Germany, please check B-Europe.
- France
- For TGV trains within the country, please check this website.
- For Eurostar train connections to the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, please check B-Europe.
- For high-speed trains to/from France, please see Rail Europe.
- Czech Republic
- For trains within and connecting Czech Republic and Slovakia, please check the CD website.
- Germany
- For trains within and connecting Germany to neighbouring countries, please check the Deutsche Bahn website.
- For Eurostar train connections to the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, please check B-Europe.
- Italy
- For high-speed trains in Italy, please see Rail Europe.
- The Netherlands
- For Eurostar train connections to the UK, Belgium, France, and Germany, please check B-Europe.
- Spain
- For most domestic AVE trains and international AVE trains connecting Spain and France (from Barcelona to Lyon and Madrid to Marseille), please check the HappyRails website.
- Slovakia
- For trains within and connecting Slovakia and Czech Republic, please check the CD website.
- Sweden
- For trains within and connecting Sweden, please see the SJ Swedish railway website.
- United Kingdom
- For trains within the UK, please check the LNER website.
- For Eurostar train connections to mainland Europe – Belgium, France, The Netherlands, and Germany, please refer to B-Europe.
Note: If you're planning to travel during the summer or the holiday season, we recommend checking seat availability for popular routes before purchasing a Pass or to consider buying point-to-point tickets or travelling on reservation-free routes in case seats for busy routes are already sold out.
Change of currency
You cannot change the currency once you have a Pass in your cart. Remove the Pass, and then change the currency on the website header.