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The Great Interrail Art Contest: The winners


We challenged you to create your best artwork, inspired by the sights and landscapes of Europe. And you've certainly been busy drawing, painting, sculpting and baking ever since. These are the top 3 entries, each receiving 2x Interrail Global Passes. They'll make you eager to travel again... and maybe a bit hungry!


Martse - Greece

This little train bake, constructed from homemade biscuits, stands as the sign of freedom every traveller has when exploring! The smarties inside each wagon represent the colourful and unique features of every place I have visited and also reminds me of sweet memories. ♡


Interrail Winner Art Contest Martse (Greece)

Marina - Spain

The aim of this cake is to represent "el buen sabor de boca" (the good taste in your mouth) that you're left with when you discover different places.


Interrail Wineer Art Contest Marina (Spain)

Caitlin - Ireland

My poster titled "Trains will connect us again" illustrates that we will be able to travel and make new friends soon. It has been a difficult year, but I want this poster to print people hope. Citizens stand in front of famous landmarks located on the map of Europe.


Interrail Winner Art Contest Caitlin (Ireland)
Inspired to start travelling again? Look forward to your next trip!